Out Of Office. Those three happy words stacked side-by-side signal freedom and sweet, sweet relief. This tangy, floral infusion will transport you to your happy place. Whether that’s the vibrant SoCal coast or simply that sacred sunny spot in your backyard, you’re out of office, baby. Ready to savor the tangy sweetness of mango and that antioxidant-packed tartness of hibiscus?
Dehydrated mango and dried hibiscus
Tequila, Rum, Vodka
Simply empty all ingredients into a 16oz jar, fill with ~16oz of liquor, seal tightly and let infuse for at least 3 days! Each kit will provide 7-8 cocktails and should be enjoyed within 30 days. Packaged in a facility that handles tree nuts, dairy products and soy.
Made in United States of America
Item Number: 154-457
Item ID: 10553
Category: Beverage